Tuition & Fees


Tuition and fees for the Master of Science in Occupational Therapy (MScOT) program are managed by the .

Tuition for 2024-25 Academic Year
Residency Fall Term*
Winter Term* Summer Term* Total*
Canadian Citizen or
Permanent Resident
$3764.67 $3764.67 $3764.67 $11,294
International $12,969 $12,969 $12,969 $38,908

*Note: Tuition and ancillary fees are subject to Board of Governors approval. Amount listed includes tuition amount only and does not include additional ancillary fees.

Tuition payment methods and deadlines are available for viewing each term. Please visit for further information.

Graduate Student Affordability Calculator

The calculator was designed for you to get a better estimate of what it will cost to attend one of 澳门六合彩开奖预测's graduate programs for one year.

Students in the MScOT program may incur additional costs related to experiential and professional learning, including but not limited to training requirements, relocation and health and safety compliance.