
Senate Agenda, January 18, 2002 - EXHIBIT I, Appendix 2


Composition and Rules of Procedure

1. The Faculty of Engineering Science shall consist of the following departments:

Requests to dissolve an existing Department or to establish a new Department shall be initiated by the Council of the Faculty of Engineering Science and submitted to Senate for approval.

2. The Dean of Engineering Science is the chief executive officer of the Faculty and may be assisted in his duties by one or more Associate or Assistant Deans.

3. There shall be a Council of the Faculty of Engineering Science, responsible to Senate and composed of:

(A) The following ex officio members:

(i) The President & Vice-Chancellor
(ii) Such Vice-Presidents of the University as the Senate may determine
(iii) The Dean of Engineering Science who shall be Chair of Council
(iv) The Dean (or an Associate
Dean) of the Faculty of Graduate Studies
(v) The Manager of Faculty Administration/Human Resources in Engineering
(vi) The Manager of Financial Resources in Engineering
(vii) Such other ex officio members as the Senate may, from time to time, determine upon the recommendation of the Council of the Faculty of Engineering.

(B) (i) All full-time faculty members who hold the rank of Lecturer or higher in the Faculty

(ii) All Limited Duties Sessional and Visiting Professors holding the rank o f Assistant Adjunct Professor or higher

(iii) Four full-time undergraduate Engineering students to be elected by the undergraduate students registered in the Faculty of Engineering Science

(iv) Two full-time graduate Engineering students to be elected by students registered in the graduate programs offered by the Faculty of Engineering Science

(v) The following representatives holding the rank of full-time Lecturer Assistant Professor or higher:

(vi) All part-time faculty members who hold the rank of Assistant Professor or higher in the Faculty.

(vi) One representative of the administrative/technical support staff of the Faculty of Engineering Science, to be determined by election conducted by the Office of the Dean. The first runner-up shall be the alternate representative of the constituency.

(vii) One representative of the administrative/technical support staff of the Faculty of Engineering Science, to be determined by election conducted by the Office of the Dean. The first runner-up shall be the alternate representative of the constituency.

(viii) Such other members as the Senate, from time to time, may determine on the recommendation of the Council of the Faculty of Engineering Science

4. The Council shall advise Senate on all matters under the jurisdiction of Senate which are pertinent to the Faculty of Engineering Science or referred to the Council by Senate, and shall determine policy on all such matters if so delegated by the Senate.

5. (i) All members of the Council, unless otherwise specified, shall be entitled to participate fully in meetings of the Council, speak, propose motions, vote on all questions, and be elected to Committees for which they are eligible. elected at Council meetings.

(ii) The Council shall meet at least four times each year and at such other times as the Council or the Senate may prescribe.

(iii) A special meeting of the Council shall be called on written notice of ten percent (10%) of its members, and shall be convened within seven (7) days thereafter, to consider the matter(s) set out in the notice of meeting.

(iv) Faculty Council may, at its discretion, elect a vice-chair annually.

6. A minimum of one-third thirty (30) of the members of Counc il listed in section 3 (B)(i) shall constitute a quorum for regular and special meetings of the Council.

7. The Council shall establish an Executive Committee and such other committees as it considers necessary. The Council may delegate authority to its committees, but these committees shall be responsible to the Council.

8. The by-laws and rules of procedure for the conduct of the business of the Council and its committees shall be, where practicable, those adopted by the Senate.

9. The Composition and Rules of Procedure of the Faculty of Engineering Science shall be subject to review at intervals of no longer than five years.

10. This constitution may be amended by the Senate on the recommendation of 2/3 of a majority of voting members in attendance at a regular or special meeting of the Council at least seven days (7) following written notice of the proposed amendment(s).