
Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT II - November 16, 2001



1. Vice-Chair of Senate

In each membership year, the Senate elects a Vice-Chair of Senate who will chair Senate meetings in the absence of the President. The Vice-Chair of Senate is the chair ex officio of the Senate Operations/Agenda Committee.

Required: One member of Senate to serve as Vice-Chair of Senate (to November 2002).

Nominee: Allen Pearson

2. Board of Governors

Notes: Any member of faculty appointed or elected to the Board of Governors will not be a member of the UWOFA bargaining unit during his/her term on the Board, in accordance with the Collective Agreement.

No member of the Board of Governors whose salary is paid under a collective agreement or Memorandum of Agreement between the University and a union or employee association may serve as a member of any team negotiating matters related to the remuneration or benefits, terms of employment, rights or privileges available to employees in a class or group of employees of the University. (Board of Governors By-Laws)

Composition: Includes two members of the Faculty elected by the Senate who are members of the Senate at the time of election.

Incumbents: A.C. Weedon (term to November 15, 2001 and P. Neary (term to November 15, 2003)

Required: One member of Faculty elected by the Senate to serve on the Board of Governors (term November 15, 2001, to November 14, 2005).

Nominee: Alan Weedon

3. Operations/Agenda Committee

(See Exhibit I, Appendix I for the current Senate Membership List)

Composition: Nine current members of Senate, at least one of whom shall be a student. The Vice-Chair of Senate is the Chair ex officio of this Committee.

Current Elected Members:

Retiring November 2001:

N. Kapoor (Student Senator), A. Percival-Smith (Sci.), E. Skarakis-Doyle (HS), M. Westmacott (Soc.Sci.)

Continuing to November 2002:

T. Carmichael (Arts), J. Doerksen (Mus.), W. Flintoff (M&D), A. Lee (Arts), S. Osborn (Sci.)

Required: Four members of Senate, one of whom is a student (Terms: Faculty/Staff: two years; students: one year)

Nominees: Shawn Gibson (Student Senator)
Wendy Kennedy (Admin. Staff)
Anthony Percival-Smith (Sci)
Betsy Skarakis-Doyle (HS)

4. Selection Committee - Dean of Graduate Studies

Appointment Procedures for Senior Academic and Administrative Officers of the University provides that a selection committee for a Dean of Graduate Studies includes:

(a) the Provost & Vice-President (Academic), who shall be Chair

(b) the Vice-President (Research)

(c) 5 persons elected by the Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies: one from each of the four Divisions of the Faculty and one graduate student

(d) 3 persons elected by the Senate, only one of whom may be a Dean

Required: 3 persons, only one of whom may be a Dean.

Nominees: Tom Carmichael (A)
Betsy Skarakis-Doyle (HS)
Catherine Ross (Dean/FIMS)

Note: The following were elected by the Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies: Rob Corless, Norm Huner, Gloria Leckie, Tom Lennon, and Kristibeth Kelly (Grad Student).

5. Selection Committee - Dean of the Richard Ivey School of Business

Appointment Procedures for Senior Academic and Administrative Officers of the University provides that a selection committee for a Dean in a Faculty other than Graduate Studies shall include:

(a) the Provost & Vice-President (Academic), who shall be Chair

(b) the Vice-President (Research)

(c) 5 persons, one of whom shall be a student from the relevant Faculty, elected by the Council of the Faculty concerned

(d) 3 persons elected by Senate, who are not faculty, staff or students of the Faculty concerned, and only one of whom may be a Dean,

(e) for Medicine & Dentistry, one President of a London teaching hospital affiliated with the University, named by the Hospital Presidents;

Required: 3 persons who are not faculty, staff or students of the Richard Ivey School of Business, and only one of whom may be a Dean.

Nominees: Ted Hewitt (Soc.Sci.)
Kathleen Okruhlik (Dean/Arts)
Jeff Stokes (Mus.)

6. Honorary Degrees Committee

Composition: Nine members, one of whom must be a student who is a member of Senate, elected by Senate.

Retiring November 2001:

F. Longstaffe (Sci.), K. Okruhlik (Arts), B. Singh (M&D), A. Vandervoort (HS), G. Weese (Gen Cmty), (vacancy - Student Senator)

Continuing to November 2002:

F. Berruti (Engg.Sci.), K. Fleming (Soc.Sci.), C. McWilliam [Alt.: I. Holloway - Dec 31, 2001]

Required: Six members, one of whom is a student Senator (Terms: Faculty/Staff: two years; students: one year)

Nominees: Cierra Watson (Student Senator)
Tom Carmichael (Arts)
Ian Holloway (Law)
Fred Longstaffe (Sci.)
Shiva Singh (Sci.)
Fiona Wilkinson (Mus.)

7. Senate Review Board Academic

Composition: Includes a Chair and twenty-three voting members; thirteen members of faculty and ten students (six undergraduates and four graduates).

Current Members:

Retiring in November 2001:

Chair: M. Atkinson
Faculty: P. Allen, P. Barton, M. Cheesman, S. Galsworthy, D. Peterson, J. Toswell
Graduates: A. Chan, S. Mangos, D. Raymond, T. Urbaniak
Undergraduates: Y. Chumak, E. McCloskey, A. Pryor, T. Shortill, C. Sinal, K. Wall

Continuing to November 2002:

Faculty: T. Carmichael, T. Lo, S. Rich, C. Roulston [Alt. J. Stokes to June 30/02], M. Simner, S. Trujillo, M. Westmacott

Required: One person to serve as Chair (term to November 30, 2002).

Nominee: Mike Atkinson (Chair)

Required: Six members of Faculty (terms to November 30, 2004)

Nominees: Prudy Allen
Peter Barton

Margaret McNay
Jeff Stokes
Jane Toswell
Mel Usselman

Required if J. Stokes is elected (above): One member of Faculty to serve as Alternate to C. Roulston

to June 30, 2002.

Nominee: Meg Cheesman

Required: Six undergraduate students (terms to November 30, 2002)

Nominees: Ruby Dhand
Derrick Mason
Matt Rae
Jeremy Teplinsky
Michelle Witen
Marty Zahavich

Required: Four graduate students (terms to November 30, 2002)

Nominees: Alan Chan
Dave Boutillier
Dwayne Raymond
Tom Urbaniak

8. Senate Committee on Academic Policy and Awards (SCAPA)

Composition: Includes ten members elected by Senate, including

Retiring December 31, 2001:

E. Dipchand (Undergrad.), C. Payne (Grad.), J. Hore (M&D)*, D. Kneale (S) (Arts)*, S. Mangsen (Mus)*, S. Osborn (S) (Sci.)*, A. Pitman (Educ.)*

Continuing to December 31, 2002:

R. Howse (S)(Gen. Cmty), J. MacKinnon (HS)*, B. Timney (S)(Soc.Sci.)*

* Also a member of the Faculty of Graduate Studies

Required: Two students, one graduate and one undergraduate student

Five faculty members:

Nominees: ______________ (graduate student)[Nomination to be presented at Senate]

Melanie McLellan (undergraduate student)
David Bellhouse
John Doerksen (S) (Music)
John Hatch (S) (Arts)
Sylvia Osborn (S) (Science)
Allan Pitman (Educ.)

9. Subcommittee on Research Ethics Policy (SUREP)

Composition: Includes a Chair of the Subcommittee, two Ethicists, and two additional members to be elected by Senate.

Current Senate-Appointed Members:

Terms to June 30, 2002: Bill Fisher [Chair] (Soc. Sci.), Barry Hoffmaster (Arts) [Ethicist], Jim Côté (Soc.Sci.)

Terms to June 30, 2003: Jeff Nisker (M&D)[Ethicist], Dalice Sim (M&D)

Required: One member who is not an Ethicist* to replace Jim Côté who has resigned effective December 31, 2001 (term to June 30, 2002).

* Definition for "Ethicist": an individual whose research or scholarship includes study of the discipline dealing with professional, practical or philosophical ethics. "Ethics" is defined as moral principles and values or the principles of conduct governing an individual or a group.

Nominee: Mel Goodale (Soc.Sci.) (to June 30, 2002)