
Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT II - September 21, 2001



1. Selection Committee - Dean of Social Science

Section L. of Appointments Procedures provides that the composition of committees to select a Dean of a Faculty other than Graduate Studies shall consist of:

(a) the Provost & Vice-President (Academic), who shall be Chair
(b) the Vice-President (Research)
(c) 5 persons elected by the Council of the Faculty concerned
(d) 3 persons elected by Senate, who are not faculty, staff or students of the Faculty concerned, and only one of whom may be a Dean.

In November 2000, Senate elected Angela Esterhammer (Arts), Joyce MacKinnon (Health Sciences) and Alan Weedon (Dean, Graduate Studies) to serve on the Committee. On August 20, 2001, Alan Weedon became Acting Vice-President (Research), and in that capacity he will continue to serve on the Selection Committee.

Required: 1 person who is not a member of faculty or staff or a student of the Faculty of Social Science (the person may be a Dean)

Nominee: Kathleen Okruhlik (Dean/Arts)

2. Strategic Planning Task Force

Composition includes: Seven persons named by Senate, including an undergraduate student and a graduate student.

Required: One graduate student and one undergraduate student to replace M. Weyers and D. Braun who have resigned.

Nominees: Brendan Dominick (Grad.)
Mike Lawless (Undergrad.)

3. Senate Committee on Academic Policy and Awards (SCAPA)

Composition: Includes ten members elected by Senate, including

- eight members of Faculty, at least five of whom must be members of Senate at the time elected. At least one member shall be from the Faculties of Arts, Graduate Studies, Science and Social Science. No more than one of the members of faculty may be a Dean.
- two students, at least one of whom is a graduate student and at least one of whom is a member of Senate

Current Senate-Elected Members:

Continuing to December 31, 2001:

E. Dipchand (S) (Undergrad.), R. Whyte (Grad.), S. Osborn (S) (Sci/GS), J. Hore* (M&D/GS), S. Mangsen (S) (Mus/GS), A. Pitman (Educ/GS), J. Thorp* (Arts/GS)

Continuing to December 31, 2002:

R.Howse (S) (Gen. Comm.), J. MacKinnon (S)(HSc/GS), B. Timney (S)(Soc.Sci./GS)

* A member of Senate at the time elected.

Required: One member of faculty from the Faculty of Arts to complete the term of J. Thorp who has resigned and one graduate student to complete the term of R. Whyte who has resigned (terms to December 31, 2001).

Nominees: Doug Kneale (faculty)
Christopher Payne (graduate student)

4. Nominating Subcommittee - Senate Representative from the General Community

Composition: Five members of Senate, elected by Senate, and the Chair of the Senate Nominating Committee who chairs the subcommittee.


Terms to September 2001: Paul Barker (King's), Eric Wood (Educ.)

Terms to September 2002: Jim Erskine (Ivey), Patrick Mahon (Arts), Ron Watson (HS)

Chair: Joyce MacKinnon (HS), Chair of the Senate Nominating Committee

Required: Four members of Senate: two members to complete the terms of Patrick Mahon and Ron Watson who have resigned (terms to September 2002) and two members for two-year terms (to September 2003).

Nominees: Doug Kneale (term to September 2003)
Brian Timney (term to September 2003)
Trish Fulton (term to September 2002)
Margaret McNay (term to September 2002)