Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT III - April 20, 2001
Recommended: That Senate provide advice to the Board of Governors, through the Vice-Chancellor, recommending the approval of the 2001-02 University Operating and Capital Budgets (distributed April 10, 2001*). [The budget document is on the Web at. It is in an Adobe Acrobat .pdf file and you must use Acrobat Reader version 3.0 or higher to read it.]
The Operating and Capital Budgets and setting of tuition fees are in the purview of the Board of Governors. The Senate may provide its advice to the Board under the authority of Section 30.(f) of the UWO Act:
The Senate may ... pass resolutions and make recommendations to the Board with respect to any matter connected
with the administration of the University and the promotion of its affairs but this clause shall not be
construed to subtract from the powers and duties conferred on the Board elsewhere in [the] Act.
The presentation at Senate will be in two parts:
Undergraduate Student Financial Assistance (Appendix 1)
Operating and Capital Budgets for 2001-02
* Senators are reminded to bring their copy of the Budget document to the Senate meeting