
Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT II - November 17, 2000



1. Decanal Selection Committees

Section L. of Appointments Procedures provides that the composition of committees to select a Dean of a Faculty other than Graduate Studies shall consist of:

(a) the Provost & Vice-President (Academic), who shall be Chair

(b) the Vice-President (Research)

(c) 5 persons elected by the Council of the Faculty concerned

(d) 3 persons elected by Senate, who are not faculty, staff or students of the Faculty concerned, and only

one of whom may be a Dean.

1a. Dean of the Faculty of Education

Required: 3 persons who are not faculty, staff or students of the Faculty of Education, and only one of whom may be a Dean


Fred Longstaffe (Dean/Sci.)
John Nicholas (Arts)
Dan Shrubsole (Soc.Sci.)

1.b. Dean of the Faculty of Information and Media Studies

Required: 3 persons who are not faculty, staff or students of the Faculty of Information and Media Studies and only one of whom may be a Dean


Regna Darnell (Soc.Sci.)
Ian Holloway (Dean/Law)
Colette Urban (Arts)

1.c. Dean of the Faculty of Social Science

Required: 3 persons who are not faculty, staff or students of the Faculty of Social Science, and only one of whom may be a Dean


Angela Esterhammer (Arts)
Joyce MacKinnon (HS)
Alan Weedon (Dean/GS)

2. Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure I (Promotion Division) - SCPT-I

Note: See UWOFA Agreement: Transition Provisions, Article 6: "Promotion and Tenure for Candidates Under Consideration in the 2000-2001 Cycle."

Membership terms on SCPT-I, SCTP-II and SCA expire June 30, 2001.


Dean of Graduate Studies

One student from the constituent University whose Faculty of registration is not the same as that of the student member of SCPT-II

Five tenured* members of Faculty who are eligible for Senate membership, none of whom shall be below the rank of Associate Professor. No more than three shall be at the same academic rank and no more than one shall be from the same Faculty. No more than one shall be a Department Chair.

* According to Conditions of Appointment: Physicians Appointed in Clinical Departments and Clinical Divisions of Basic Science Departments (1999), "References to 'tenured members of faculty' shall include Clinical Academics, Senate Stream" insofar as SCPT I, SCPT II, etc.

No member of SCPT-I may also be a member of SCPT-II or the Senate Committee on Appeals.

Retiring in November 2000: J. Topolovec, (Student), C. Crealock (Prof./Educ.), C. Ross (Prof./FIMS)

Continuing to June 30, 2001: P. Deane (Assoc./Arts/Chair), C. Trick (Prof./Sci.), H. Laschinger (Prof./HS)

Required: Two members of Faculty, with tenure [or Academic Clinicians, Senate Stream], who are eligible for Senate membership. Terms to June 30, 2001.

- not below the rank of Associate Professor
- only 1 at the rank of Professor
- not from the Faculties of Arts, Science, or Health Science
- not a Department Chair

One student from the constituent University whose Faculty of registration is not the same as that of the student member of SCPT-II. (Term to June 30, 2001).


Albrecht Schulte-Hostedde (Grad. Student/Sci.)
Jin Jiang (Prof/Engg.Sci.)
Jerry White (Assoc./Soc.Sci.)

3. Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure II (Tenure Division) - SCPT-II

Note: See UWOFA Agreement: Transition Provisions, Article 6: "Promotion and Tenure for Candidates Under Consideration in the 2000-2001 Cycle."

Membership terms on SCPT-I, SCTP-II and SCA expire June 30, 2001.


The Provost & Vice-President (Academic)

Five tenured* members of Faculty who are eligible for Senate membership, none of whom shall be below the rank of Associate Professor. No more than three shall be at the same academic rank, and no more than one shall be from the same Faculty. No more than one shall be a Department Chair.

* According to Conditions of Appointment: Physicians Appointed in Clinical Departments and Clinical Divisions of Basic Science Departments (1999), "References to 'tenured members of faculty' shall include Clinical Academics, Senate Stream" insofar as SCPT I, SCPT II, etc.

One student from the constituent University whose Faculty of registration is not the same as that of the student member of SCPT-I

No member of the SCPT-II may at the same time be a member of the SCPT-I or the Senate Committee on Appeals.

Retiring in November 2000: J. Jakobi (Student), E. Skarakis-Doyle (Assoc./HS),

S. Majhanovich (Prof./Educ.)

Continuing to June 30, 2001: A. Lee (Assoc./Arts), C. Ellis (Prof./M&D), [vacancy]

Required: Three members of Faculty, with tenure [or Academic Clinicians, Senate Stream], who are eligible for Senate membership. Terms to June 30, 2001.

- not an Assistant Professor
- not more than three shall be at the same academic rank
- not from the Faculties of Arts or Medicine & Dentistry

One student from the constituent University whose Faculty of registration is not the same as that of the student member of SCPT-I (term to June 30, 2001).

No member of SCPT-II may also be a member of SCPT-I or the Senate Committee on Appeals.


Jim Côté (Prof./Soc.Sci.)
Sandra Mangsen (Assoc/Mus.)
Elizabeth Skarakis-Doyle (Assoc./HS)
_______________ (Student)[Nomination to be invited at Senate]

4. Vice-Chair of Senate

In each membership year, the Senate elects a Vice-Chair of Senate who will chair Senate meetings in the absence of the President. The Vice-Chair of Senate is the chair ex officio of the Senate Operations/Agenda Committee.

Required: One member of Senate to serve as Vice-Chair of Senate (to November 2001).

Nominee: Allen Pearson (Dean/Educ.)

5. Operations/Agenda Committee

Composition: Nine current members of Senate, at least one of whom shall be a student. The Vice-Chair of Senate is the Chair ex officio of this Committee.

Current Composition:

Retiring in November 2000: M. Curry (Student), C. Callaghan (Admin. Staff), T. Carmichael (Arts),

J. Nicholas (Arts), K. Okruhlik (Arts), D. Rosner (Soc. Sci.)

Continuing to November 2001: K. McQuillan (Soc.Sci.), E. Skarakis-Doyle (HS), M. Westmacott (Soc.Sci.)

Required: Seven members, one of whom shall complete the term of K. McQuillan (to November 2001) who is no longer a Senator and one of whom shall be a student Senator.

(Terms: Faculty/Staff: two years; students: one year)


Neil Kapoor (S)[Student - term to November 2001]
Anthony Percival-Smith (S)[term to November 2001]
Tom Carmichael (S) (Arts)
John Doerksen (S) (Mus.)
Wayne Flintoff (S) (M&D)
Alison Lee (S) (Arts)
Sylvia Osborn (S) (Sci)

6. Honorary Degrees Committee

Composition: Nine members, one of whom must be a student who is a member of Senate, elected by Senate.

Retiring in November 2000: [vacancy], P. Deane (Arts), I. Moore (Engg. Sci.), S. Provost (Sci.)

Continuing to November 2001: F. Longstaffe (Sci.), K. Okruhlik (Arts), B. Singh (M&D),

A. Vandervoort (HS), G. Weese (Gen Cmty)

Required: Four members, one of whom is a student Senator, elected by Senate (Terms: Faculty/Staff: Two years; students: one year)


Chris Prabhakar (Student Senator)
Franco Berruti (Dean/Engg.Sci.)
Keith Fleming (Soc.Sci.)
Carol McWilliam (HS)

7. Senate Review Board Academic

Composition: Includes a Chair and twenty-three voting members; thirteen members of faculty and ten students (six undergraduates and four graduates).

Current Members:

Retiring November 2000:

Chair: M. Atkinson
Undergraduates: M. Gillespie, P. Hong, M. Lawless, M. Parker, C. Sinal, J. Sutton
Graduates: R. Gowing, S. Mangos, D. Raymond, A. Schulte-Hostedde
Faculty: T. Carmichael, G. Dickinson, D. Hunter, S. Rich, C. Roulston, M. Speechley, P. Woodford

Continuing to November 2001:

Faculty: J. McMullin, M. Cheesman, S. Galsworthy, L. Milligan, D. Peterson, J. Toswell

Required: One person to serve as Chair (term to November 30, 2001).

Nominee: Mike Atkinson (Chair)

Required: Seven members of Faculty (terms to November 30, 2002)


Tom Carmichael (Arts)
Ted Lo (M&D)
Sharon Rich (Educ.)
Christine Roulston (Arts)
Marvin Simner (Soc.Sci.)
Steve Trujillo (HS)
Martin Westmacott (Soc.Sci.)

Required: Six undergraduate students (terms to November 30, 2001) [Nominations to be invited at Senate]



Required: Four graduate students (terms to November 30, 2001) [Nominations to be invited at Senate]



8. Senate Committee on Academic Policy and Awards (SCAPA)

Composition: Includes ten members elected by Senate, including

- two students, at least one of whom is a graduate student and at least one of whom is a member of Senate
- at least five additional members of Senate
- at least one faculty member from each of the Faculties of Arts, Science, and Social Science
- no more than one of the members of faculty may be a Dean

Current Senate-Elected Members:

Retiring December 31, 2000: D. Martin, A. Weston, S. Osborn (S) (Sci.) A. Pitman (Education),

B. Timney (S)(Soc.Sci.)

Continuing to December 31, 2001: P. Dean (S) (Sci), J. Hore (M&D), S. Mangsen (S) (Mus),

P. Théberge (FIMS), J. Thorp (Arts)

Required: five members:

- two students, at least one of whom is a graduate student and at least one of whom is a member of Senate
- three additional members, who are members of Senate, of whom:
- at least one must be from the Faculty of Social Science
- no more than one may be a Dean
- terms: students - one year; faculty - two years


______________ (graduate student)[Nomination to be invited at Senate]
Elizabeth Dipchand (S)(Undergrad. Student)
Rebecca Howse (S) (Gen. Cmty)
Joyce MacKinnon (S)(HS)
Brian Timney (S)(Soc.Sci.)

9. University Council on Animal Care

Composition: Includes four members elected by Senate, two of whom are not bioscientists, and none of whom are members of the Animal Use Subcommittee (AUS). [See Appendix II for the AUS Membership list]]

Current Senate Elected Members:

Retiring in November 2000: S. Galsworthy, A. Varpalotai*

Continuing to November 2001: P. Cass*, B. Roberts

Required: Two members, one of whom is not a bioscientist [Terms: Faculty: 2 years; Students 1 year.]


Erin O'Sullivan * (Grad/Soc.Sci.)
Mick Bhatia (M&D)

[*Not a bioscientist]