Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT VII - June 23, 2000
There were two meetings of UCOSH in the 1999-2000 academic year. The first, held on February 4th, was an orientation session and budget briefing. Amy Malowitz and Adam Pite were elected as Chair and Vice-Chair respectively and UCOSH approved a revised and expanded membership which was subsequently approved by Senate at its March 3rd meeting.
On February 16th, following a review and discussion of the proposed 2000-2001 budgets for the Residences and for Glenmore and Lambton Hall Apartments, the budgets were approved. The three subcommittees of UCOSH (Subcommittee on the Glenmore Apartments, Subcommittee on Residence Food Services, and Subcommittee on Residence Physical Plant Services) were congratulated for their contributions to the planning of the budget submission.
In addition, UCOSH approved a change to the Policy on Guaranteed Beds in residence, specifically, to the list of beds, or reserved spaces in residence, set aside for the following Fall for sophmores who are returning with specific duties to perform for the residence. The revised list was forwarded for the information of the Senate Committee on Housing Policy (SCOHP).
A. Malowitz