
Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT I - March 3, 2000



1. Appointments Procedures: Associate Vice-President (Research)

Recommended: That Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, through the Vice-Chancellor, a new section to Appointments Procedures -- Section R - Associate Vice-President (Research) -- as detailed below:



The committee to select an Associate Vice-President (Research) shall consist of:

(a) the Vice-President (Research), who shall be Chair
(b) 4 members elected by Senate, one of whom will be a graduate student
(c) 2 members elected by the Board of Governors


1. The Chair shall convene the Committee.
2. The Chair shall undertake negotiations with prospective candidates.
3. The Chair shall report to Senate through the President & Vice-Chancellor.


The term for the Associate Vice-President (Research) is five years, renewable.

2. Composition of the University Council on Student Housing (UCOSH)

Recommended: That the composition of the University Council on Student Housing be amended as shown below:


Three persons elected by the Senate, one of whom shall be a student who does not live in a residence of the Constituent University.

One alumnus of the University, appointed by the Alumni Association.

One representative of each of the (6) University residences, elected by the residents of each. [Such elected representatives will be guaranteed a bed in the respective residence for the duration of their term on UCOSH] Should there be no nomination in one or more of the residences, the vacancy shall be filled by a by-election in the respective residence(s) within two weeks following Conference Week.

Should a vacancy occur as a result of resignation, the seat shall be filled by the runner-up in the most recent relevant election in the residence concerned, or, in the absence of a runner-up, by by-election.

Ex officio:

Observer: (non-voting)

President of the Residents' Association, Platts Lane Estates

Resource: (non-voting)

The Chair and Vice-Chair shall be elected annually.


UCOSH members are elected by Senate in March. For UCOSH representatives elected by their residences in February, a bed in residence is guaranteed for the following Fall (S.88-208). University Residences currently represented are: Alumni, Delaware, Elgin, Essex, Medway-Sydenham, Saugeen-Maitland Halls and Glenmore Apartments.

The Chair and Vice-Chair are elected annually by UCOSH, in keeping with the standard provision in the Senate's by-laws (thus there is no need to state this in the composition of the Council).

The proposal includes changes to the membership and editorial revisions.


The membership will be expanded to include representation from Elgin Hall including:

1) one voting member (the UCOSH-elected representative)
2) one non-voting member (the President of Residents' Council)
3) one observer (the Residence Manager)

Additional changes to the non-voting members are:

1) deletion of the Observer (President of Residents' Association, Platts Lane Estates)
2) addition of the Assistant Director, Residence Life

The titles of the Director of Residences (ex officio non-voting) and Assistant Director, Housing Services were also made.

The Residents' Association of Platts Lane Estates has asked that their President's observership on UCOSH be discontinued. The issues handled by UCOSH do not match with those of the residents of Platt's Lane Estates (e.g., graduate students, married students, and families).

As a result of the proposed changes:

Editorial Revisions

UCOSH has also approved that the composition be revised to remove the reference to guaranteed beds (S.88-208) and the process by which vacancies will be filled (S.88-08). Although no change is to be made to either policy, the references are not relevant to the composition of Council as a Senate committee.