Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT II - March 3, 2000
This is a new subcommittee of the University Research Board. The terms of reference are:
Composition: Includes the following to be elected by Senate (terms to be staggered): A Chair of the Subcommittee, two Ethicists, and two additional members. (NB: The membership cycle is July 1 - June 30 and therefore the appointment term end-dates have been set accordingly.)
Required: Chair of the Subcommittee (two-year term to June 30, 2002)
Nominee: Bill Fisher (Soc.Sci)
Required: Four members, two of whom are Ethicists (staggered terms)
Barry Hoffmaster (Arts) (term to June 30, 2002) [Ethicist]
Bill Avison (Soc.Sci.) (term to June 30, 2002)
Jeff Nisker (M&D) (term to June 30, 2001) [Ethicist]
Dalice Sim (M&D) (term to June 30, 2001)
Definition for "Ethicist": an individual whose research or scholarship includes study of the discipline dealing with professional, practical or philosophical ethics. "Ethics" is defined as moral principles and values or the principles of conduct governing an individual or a group.