
Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT I - December 10, 1999



1. Senate Membership: Faculty of Social Science Constituency

Recommended: That Martin Westmacott, elected representative to Senate for the Faculty of Social Science constituency, be granted a leave of absence from Senate during his study leave, and,

That Jonathan Vance (History), runner up in the last Senate election, be elected to serve as Professor Westmacott's alternate (term: January 1 to June 30, 2000).

2. Terms of Reference and Composition of the University Council on Animal Care (UCAC) and the Animal Use Subcommittee (AUS)

A) Terms of Reference of UCAC

Recommended: That the terms of reference of the University Council on Animal Care be revised as shown in Appendix 1:

1) with respect to the role of UCAC as an appeals board, and,
2) to remove the reference to the Director of AVCS as Executive Officer of Council.


The UCAC is concerned with policy on all matters pertaining to the procurement, maintenance and use of experimental animals for teaching, research and testing in the University and its affiliated bodies. AUS is a subcommittee of UCAC responsible for reviewing protocols for the use of animals in research, teaching and testing, according to the procedures established by the University Council on Animal Care (UCAC), to ensure that procedures are in accord with the regulations of the Ontario Animals for Research Act and the guidelines and the "Ethics of Animal Investigation" document of the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) and to make recommendations thereon.

The first revision [middle of page, Appendix 1] will allow UCAC to hear complaints regarding both the decisions made by AUS and the functioning of AUS. The composition of UCAC was modified within the last two years to remove overlap between the voting members of UCAC and AUS because of the potential conflict of interest in the event of an appeal. When acting in the capacity of appeals board, all non-voting members (or their alternates) on UCAC who also sit on AUS [i.e., the Director of Animal Care and Veterinary Services (ACVS) and Chair of AUS], will absent themselves from Council's proceedings unless invited to present information related to appeals.

The role of Executive Officer of UCAC has been transferred to the Chair of UCAC.

B) Terms of Reference of AUS

Recommended: That the terms of reference of the Animal Use Subcommittee be revised with respect to the role of the Chair and Vice-Chair as shown below:

FROM: The Chair will be elected from among the faculty members of AUS who have served at least one year on AUS. The term of office shall be two years, once renewable.

TO: The Chair will be elected from among the members of AUS who have served at least one year on AUS. The term of office shall be two years, non-renewable. A Vice-Chair shall be elected for a one year term (renewable).


No changes are recommended to the term of office for the Chair of AUS: the current term of two years is reasonable, given the need for substantial background in policies and procedures at all levels that govern use of animals in research. AUS and UCAC recommend, however, that the Chair's term be limited to a single two-year term. It is anticipated that individuals who have served at least one year as Vice-Chair will be in the best position to assume the Chair's responsibilities which include signing authority to approve protocols. The Office of the Vice-President (Research) will provide administrative support to AUS.


Nominating Committee Membership

The results of the mail ballot held after the November 19, 1999, meeting of Senate are:

Members: Patrick Deane (Arts), Robert Hawkins (Law), and Sandra Mangsen (Music) were elected for two year terms (to November 2001).

Alternates: (T.B.A.) was elected for a two-year term (to November 2001) and (T.B.A.) (undergraduate student) was elected for a one-year term (to November 2000).

(The second phase of mail balloting closes on December 7; therefore, the names of those elected as Alternates will be announced at the Senate meeting.)