
Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT II - September 17, 1999



1. Selection Committee for Vice-President (Administration)

Section G of Appointments Procedures provides that a  committee to select a Vice-President (Administration) shall consist of:

(a) The President & Vice-Chancellor, who shall be Chair
(b) a Vice-President, Dean, or member of Faculty appointed by the President & Vice-Chancellor
(c) 4 persons elected by the Board of Governors, one of whom shall be a member of the administrative staff
(d) 4 persons elected by the Senate, one of whom shall be a student

Required: 4 persons, one of whom shall be a student


Claire Callaghan (Admin. Staff)
Jim Erskine (Bus.)
David Small (Student)
John Thorp (Arts)

2. Selection Committee for Vice-Provost & Registrar

Appointments Procedures, Section J, provides that a committee to select an Vice-Provost & Registrar shall consist of:

(a) the Provost & Vice-President (Academic), who shall be Chair
(b) Vice-President (Administration)
(c) 6 persons elected by Senate, one of whom shall be a student, and only one of whom may be a Dean. The Presidents of the University Students' Council and the Society of Graduate Students shall qualify as students for this purpose.

Required: 6 persons, one of whom shall be a student, and only one of whom may be a Dean.


Mike Bauer (Sci.)
Mary Anne de Kergommeaux (Soc.Sci.)
Bonnie MacLachlin (Arts)
Perry Monaco (Student)
Robert Solomon (Law)
Brian Timney (Soc.Sci.)

3. Senate Sabbatical Leave Committee (SSLC)

Composition: Six members of Faculty with tenure, elected by Senate, one from each of the Faculties of Arts, Social Science, Medicine & Dentistry and Science, and not more than one shall be from any one Faculty (except from the Faculty of Graduate Studies); the Provost & Vice-President (Academic) [NB: Senate has authorized Dr. D. Janelle, Acting Assistant Vice-Provost (Academic Affairs) to act on the SSLC on behalf of the Provost.]

No member of the Senate Sabbatical Leave Committee shall at the same time be a member of the Senate Sabbatical Leave Appeal Committee.


Kevin McQuillan (Soc.Sci.) (term to September 1999)
Angela Schneider (HS) (term to " " )
Alan Weedon (Sci.) (term to " " )

Eric Ball (M&D) (term to September 2000)
Angela Esterhammer (Arts) (term to " " )
Bernd Frohmann (IMS) (term to " " )

Required: Three members of Faculty with tenure, but not more than one from any one Faculty. One must be from Social Science; one must be from Science; and one shall be from a Faculty other than Medicine & Dentistry, Arts, Information and Media Studies, Science and Social Science.


Prudence Allen (HS)
Trevor Luke (Sci.)
Roger King (Soc. Sci.)

4. Senate Sabbatical Leave Appeal Committee (SSLAC)

Composition: Seven members of Faculty with tenure, elected by Senate, one from each of the Faculties of Arts, Science, Social Science and Medicine & Dentistry, and not more than one from any one Faculty. Where possible, at least three members elected should have recent experience on the Senate Sabbatical Leave Committee [indicated by * in the list below].


Madeline Lennon * (Arts) (term to September 1999)
Claude Lanfranconi (Bus.) (term to " " )
Sharon Rich * (Educ.) (term to " " )

David Bellhouse (Sci.) (term to September 2000)
Christopher Brandl (M&D) (term to " " )
Heather Laschinger (HS) (term to " " )
Peter Ossenkopp (Soc.Sci.) (term to " " )

Required: Three members of Faculty with tenure, with not more than one from any one Faculty. One must be from the Faculty of Arts; none may be from the Faculties of Science, Medicine & Dentistry, Health Sciences, or Social Science. If possible, all three should have recent experience on the Senate Sabbatical Leave Committee.


Bridget Elliott * (Arts)
Claude Lanfranconi (Ivey)
Sharon Rich* (Educ.)

5. Nominating Subcommittee - Senate Representative from the General Community

Composition: Five members of Senate, elected by Senate, and the Chair of the Nominating Committee who chairs the subcommittee.


Robert Walker (student) (term to September 1999)
Allen Pearson (Educ.) (term to " " )

Ross Archibald (Bus.) (term to September 2000)
Darwin Semotiuk (HS)
(term to " " )
John Thorp (Arts) (term to " " )

Chair: Patrick Deane (Arts) (Chair of the Senate Nominating Committee)

Required: Two members of Senate


Paul Barker (Brescia)
Eric Wood (Educ.)

6. Senate Review Board Academic

Composition: Includes a Chair and twenty-three voting members; thirteen members of faculty and ten students (six undergraduates and four graduates).

Current Members:

Continuing to November 30, 1999:

Chair: M. Atkinson (Chair)

Undergraduates: M. Gelfand, P. Hong, C. Sinal, N. Kapoor, D. Marentette, E. Singer

Graduates: C. Ainsley, B. Holmes, M. Kalcounis, S. McDonald

Faculty: P. Allen (HS), P. Barton (Law), M.A. de Kergommeaux (Soc.Sci.), S. Galsworthy (M & D), C. Grant (M&D), M. Randall (Arts), N. Skinner (King's).

Continuing to November 2000: T. Carmichael, G. Dickinson (Educ.), D. Hunter (Sci.), S. Rich (Educ.), C. Roulston (Arts), P. Woodford (Music).

Required: One undergraduate student to replace E. Singer who has resigned (term to November 1999)

Nominee: Mark Kissel