
Senate Agenda, June 18, 1999 - EXHIBIT II



SCITS met six times during the period July 1, 1998, and June 30, 1999. The principal items of business during the year are summarized below.


  1. In May of 1997, SCITS established two committees to consult, plan for, and select a new telephone system for the University, residences and Research Park. The two committees were the Technical Committee, charged with technical evaluation of proposals, and the Users Committee which provided input to the Technical Committee. The need for pursuing the acquisition of a new telephone system was based on the following.

    In the Spring of 1998, a Request for Information (RFI) was issued resulting in the selection of five vendors to receive a Request for Proposal (RFP). The RFP was issued in September, 1998 with responses due at the end of November.

    Assessment of the responses, including on-site demonstrations by vendors, took place between December, 1998 and February, 1999. Assessment was based on evaluation in several areas:

    The Technical Committee reviewed the proposals, summaries of the proposals and technical assessment of the proposed solutions. The Technical Committee also met with an external consultant who independently evaluated the proposals and proposed solutions.

    In March, 1999, SCITS received a report and recommendations from the telephone committees and subsequently recommended to Senate that the University proceed to negotiate with Bell Canada for the acquisition of a Nortel Technologies MSL-100 Communication System. The recommendation was approved by Senate and the Board of Governors in March. Installation is expected to begin this summer with deployment completed for residences, academic/administrative units, Research Park and any affiliates by December 1999 and a limited roll-out of new services by Spring 2000.

  2. Over the past year, the Campus Computer Security Subcommittee (CCSS) has considered the issue of information security in an attempt to develop an action plan for the University. The subcommittee consulted with a number of technical contacts from across campus in order to establish priorities and recommendations to improve the information security structure. The following recommendations from CCSS were presented to SCITS for approval.

    1. The creation of a Subcommittee on Information Security (SUIS) responsible for developing an integrated and comprehensive information security strategy for the University in collaboration with faculties and departments. (See Exhibit I of this Senate agenda for proposed Terms of Reference and Composition.)

    2. A review of the existing Code of Behavior for the Use of Computing Resources and Corporate Data on a regular basis.

    3. The development and implementation of standards and guidelines for the use and security of computing resources and corporate data.

    4. The implementation of security monitoring and reporting processes.

    5. The development and execution of highly visible security awareness and education programs.

  3. The Subcommittee on Computing and Networking Services (SUCNS) was asked to consider the issue of inappropriate use of University computing facilities. This was in response primarily to reports from ITS concerning offensive and otherwise inappropriate use of e-mail. SUCNS concluded that the Code of Behaviour for Use of Computing Resources and Corporate Data (recommended by SCITS and approved by Senate in 1998) is a clear and comprehensive statement with regard to appropriate use of computing facilities. SUCNS recommended that all computer users on campus be reminded of the Code of Behaviour on a regular basis, and that this reminder be accompanied by (1) examples of what would be deemed inappropriate use, (2) a delineation of action to be taken should the user become a victim of inappropriate use, and (3) suggestions on protection against victimization due to inappropriate computer use by others.

    SUCNS was also asked to revisit policy recommendations concerning the number and content of newsgroups which are carried on University servers. The subcommittee concluded that, consistent with previous policy recommendations, the University should continue to carry as many newsgroups as possible. The subcommittee also recommended that additional disk space be purchased, if necessary, in support of newsgroup storage on central servers.

Ongoing Issues

  1. The primary task of the Priorities and Planning Subcommittee has been the revision of the University's Information and Technology Planning Guidelines. The current guidelines were approved in 1996 and are in need of upgrading. The revised document will address instructional, research, and administrative computing.

  2. The Research Advisory Subcommittee is considering a process whereby an individual or group may develop a proposal and seek approval for upgrading or expanding the University's central computing resources.

Robert Wood
Chair, SCITS