
Senate Agenda, May 21, 1999 - EXHIBIT II



  1. Senate Review Board Academic (SRBA)
  2. Composition: Includes a Chair and twenty-three voting members; thirteen members of faculty and ten students (six undergraduates and four graduates).

    Current Members:

    Continuing to November 30, 1999:

    Chair: M. Atkinson (Chair)
    Undergraduates: M. Gelfand, P. Hong, N. Iozzo, N. Kapoor, D. Marentette, E. Singer
    Graduates: C. Ainsley, B. Holmes, M. Kalcounis, S. McDonald
    Faculty: P. Barton (Law), M.A. de Kergommeaux (Soc.Sci.), S. Galsworthy (M&D), C. Grant (M&D), M. Randall (Arts), N. Skinner (King's).

    Continuing to November 2000: T. Carmichael(A) , G. Dickinson (Educ.), D. Hunter (Sci.), S. Rich (Educ.), C. Roulston (Arts), M. Speechley (M&D), P. Woodford (Music).

    Required: One undergraduate student to replace N. Iozzo who has resigned (term to November 1999) and one member of Faculty to replace M. Speechley who will be on sabbatical leave (term from July 1 to November 1999).


    Christopher Sinal (Student)
    Prudence Allen (HS)

  3. Senate Committee on Appeals
  4. Composition:

    One Dean
    One student from the constituent University
    Five full-time tenured members of Faculty at the time elected, who are eligible for Senate membership. No more than one shall be an Assistant Professor, and none shall be a Vice-President, Dean, or Department Chair. At least three of these five members of Faculty shall have been members of a Faculty Committee on Promotion and Tenure or of the Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure I, or the Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure II, within five years of the date of election of the Senate Committee on Appeals [marked * on the list below].

    Alternates: Alternates shall be elected for each category of member noted below, with the same restrictions. The student Alternate should be from a Faculty other than that of the Member student.

    Members: Alternates:
    Terms to November 1999:

    C. Dhavernas (Grad./Arts)

    D. Allison* (Assoc./Educ.)

    D. Bentley (Prof./Arts)

    Terms to November 1999:

    N. Curtis (Grad./Sci.)

    H. Laschinger* (Assoc./HS)

    J. Toswell (Assoc./Arts)

    Terms to November 2000:

    A. Oosterhoff* (Prof./Law)

    R. Shivers* (Prof./Sci.)

    Terms to November 2000:

    J. Rylett* (Prof../M&D)

    M. Spence* (Prof./Soc.Sci.)

    Terms to November 2001:

    A. Pearson (Dean/Educ.)

    S. Galsworthy (Prof./M&D)

    Terms to November 2001:

    D. Hair (Prof./Arts)

    J. Stokes (Dean/Music)

    * indicates Member or Alternate had requisite Faculty or Senate Promotion and Tenure Committee experience at time elected.

    Member Required: One full-time member of Faculty, with tenure, who is eligible for Senate membership, to complete the term of A. Oosterhoff who has resigned due to his ineligibility to continue as a member in his capacity as an Acting Dean.

    Nominee: Peter Haase (M&D)

  5. University Research Board
  6. Composition: Vice-President (Research) [Chair]; Provost & Vice-President (Academic); Deans of Arts, Social Science, Science, Engineering Science, Medicine & Dentistry, and Graduate Studies; six other members of faculty who have strong records of research achievement and a broad interest in research administration, to be elected by Senate. At least one elected member shall occupy a senior position in a Type 3 research centre.

    Current Senate-Elected Members:

    Retiring in June 30, 1999: J.R. Bend (M&D), R.K. Rowe (Engg. Sci.)

    Continuing to June 30, 2000: M. Goodale (Soc.Sci.) [Alt. L. Surette (A) to June 30/99], S. Singh (Sci.)

    Continuing to June 30, 2001: R. Darnell (Soc. Sci.), G. Shaw (Sci.)

    Required: Three members of faculty who have strong records of research achievement and a broad interest in research administration; two for three-year terms (July 1, 1999, to June 30, 2002), one for a one-year term to complete the term of S. Singh who has resigned (July 1, 1999, to June 30, 2000).


    Jack Bend (M&D)
    Don Jamieson (HS)
    Leon Surette (A)[term to June 30, 2000]

  7. Teacher Education Advisory Committee
  8. Composition: Includes four members elected by Senate for three-year terms.

    Current Senate-Elected Members:

    Continuing to June 1999: N.C. Baird (Sci.), J. Zezulka (Arts)
    Continuing to June 2000: A.E. Bode (Sci.)
    Continuing to June 2001: B. Garcia (M&D.)

    Required: Two members to serve on the Teacher Education Advisory Committee for three-year terms (June 1999 - June 2002).


    Colin Baird (Sci.)
    Joseph Zezulka (Arts)

  9. Honorary Degrees Committee
  10. Composition: Nine members, one of whom must be a student who is a member of Senate, elected by the Senate.

    Continuing to November 1999: D. Small (Undergrad.), R. Coulter (Educ.), R. Darnell (Soc.Sci.), L. Milligan (Sci.), K. Okruhlik (Arts), A. Sancton (Soc. Sci.)

    Continuing to November 2000: P. Deane (Arts), I. Moore (Engg.), S. Provost (Sci.).

    Required: One member to A. Sancton who has resigned (term July 1 to November 1999)

    Nominee: Claire Callaghan (S)(Staff)

  11. Honorary Scrutineers
  12. Required: One person to serve as Honorary Scrutineer for Senate Elections for a term to September 2001

    Current Members:

    Term to September 1999: S. Farnell

    Continuing to September 2000: B.D. Jameson

    Nominees: Sharon Farnell

  13. Council of the Faculty of Information and Media Studies: Representative from the General Community
  14. Composition: Includes one member of Senate who represents the general community, appointed by Senate for a two-year term.

    Current Senate-Elected Member: D. Fairbairn, appointed to the former Faculty of Communications and Open Learning Council to June 30, 1999.

    Required: One member of Senate who represents the general community (term to June 30, 2001).

    Nominee: Gary Weese


    Alternates Appointed

    Senate By-Law VI 13.a): ... Upon the granting of the Leave of Absence, the Nominating Committee shall appoint a temporary replacement and report its actions to the Senate.]

  1. Honorary Scrutineers

    Ralph Williamson (Staff/IPB) has been appointed by the Nominating Committee to serve as Alternate Honorary Scrutineer for B.D. Jameson who will be on a Leave of Absence during Fall '99 Senate elections (term to December 1999).

  2. Senate Committee on Academic Policy and Admissions (SCAPA)

    Donna Peterson (HS) has been appointed by the Nominating Committee to serve on SCAPA as Alternate for S. Osborn who is on a leave of absence (July 1, 1999, to June 30, 2000).