
Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT VI - November 19, 1999

Proposal to Establish an ad hoc Committee of the Senate


At the October 17, 1999, meeting of the Senate, the following motion was moved by Mike Lawless, seconded by Jeff Clayman. On a subsequent motion approved by Senate, the motion was referred to the Senate Operations/Agenda Committee for placement on the agenda of the November 19 meeting.

Motion: That Senate create an ad hoc committee comprising 5 Senators, at least one of whom must be a student, to examine the procedures taken in imposing academic sanctions for a non-academic violation.

Rationale Provided by the Mover:

The imposition of academic sanctions for non-academic violations may infringe upon the jurisdiction of Senate. Breaching University legislation, policy and procedure, as well as the use of any powers to override such legislation or policy may place grave consequences upon the efficacy of this body and the University.

The UWO Act, s.29 reads that Senate "is responsible for the academic policy of the University". Section 30(e) further reads that Senate "may inquire into and publish reports upon any matter that affects the academic reputation or effectiveness of the University".

There is no doubt that the imposition of academic sanctions for non-academic violations enters into this category. Deregistration is a serious academic sanction, explicitly provided for only in relation to non-payment of tuition fees and loans. Furthermore, the Student Disciplinary Code, s.9 explicitly provides for "any student who commits damage, or attempts to commit damage, on campus", in which there is no mention of academic sanctions.

Avenues for appeal are provided for in the above-mentioned deregistration, in the Food or Drink Consumption Policy for University Library System, a plethora of other matters under the purview of Senate, and is an integral part of Canadian judicial and administrative processes.

A review of University policy regarding the implementation of academic sanctions is long past due. This committee is timely and will provide clarity and fair guidelines for the future. The issue merits investigation, and the issuance of a report to the Senate.