
Report of the Nominating Committee

Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT II - June 19, 1998


1. Senate Committee on Information Technology and Services (SCITS)

Includes one graduate student and six faculty members from at least five faculties, elected by Senate.

Current Senate-elected Members:
Retiring June 30, 1998: E. Tittley (grad.), J. Paquette (Educ.), R. Wood (Mus.)
Continuing to June 30, 1999: R. Eagleson (Engg. Sci.), H. Lutfiyya (Sci.)
Continuing to June 30, 2000: G. Gloor (M&D), I. Moore (Engg. Sci.)

One graduate student for a one-year term and two members of faculty for three-year terms. The two faculty members must be from different faculties and neither may be from the Faculties of Engineering Science, Medicine & Dentistry or Science.

Michael Katchebaw (Grad.)
R. Shroyer (Arts)
R. Wood (Music)

2. University Planning (SCUP)

Includes seven members elected by Senate: one graduate student*; and one Principal of an Affiliated College (appointed on a rotating basis); one member of administrative staff; and four members of faculty who are members of Senate at the time elected. Membership terms for elected faculty are three years, non-renewable; graduate student's term is one year, renewable.

* The President of the Society of Graduate Students shall qualify as a student for this purpose.

Current Senate-Elected Members:
Retiring June 30, 1998: J. Cairney (Grad.), R. Lannigan (Med. & Dent.), L. Dos Santos (Admin. Staff)
Continuing to June 30, 1999: M. Goodale (Soc.Sci.), S. Singh (Sci.)
Continuing to June 30, 2000: D. Bevan (Affil. - Huron College), J. McKay (Music)

Three members: one graduate student, one member of the administrative staff, and one member of faculty who is a member of Senate. (Terms: student, July 1, 1998 - June 30, 1999; faculty and staff, July 1, 1998 - June 30, 2001).

J. Cairney (graduate student)
D. Campbell-Borland (admin. staff)
K. McQuillan (S)(Soc. Sci.)

3. University Research Board

Vice-President (Research) [Chair]; Provost & Vice-President (Academic); Deans of Arts, Social Science, Science, Engineering Science, Medicine & Dentistry, and Graduate Studies; six other members of faculty who have strong records of research achievement and a broad interest in research administration, to be elected by Senate. At least one elected member shall occupy a senior position in a Type 3 research centre.

Current Senate-Elected Members:
Retiring in June 30, 1998: J.R. Bend (M&D), T. Rajan (A)
Continuing to June 30, 1999: F. Longstaffe (Sci.), R.K. Rowe (Engg.)
Continuing to June 30, 2000: M. Goodale (Soc.Sci.)[Alt. L. Surette (Arts)], S. Singh (Sci.)

Three members of faculty who have strong records of research achievement and a broad interest in research administration; two for three-year terms (July 1, 1998, to June 30, 2001), one for a one-year term to replace F. Longstaffe who has resigned (July 1, 1998, to June 30, 1999)

R. Darnell (Soc. Sci.)
G. Shaw (M&D)
J. Bend (M&D) (Term: July 1, 1998 - June 30, 1999)

4. Teacher Education Advisory Committee

Includes four members elected by Senate for three-year terms.

Current Senate-Elected Members:
Retiring in June 1998: H. Murray (Soc.Sci.)
Continuing to June 1999: N.C. Baird (Sci.), J. Zezulka (Arts)
Continuing to June 2000: A.E. Bode (Sci.)

One member to serve on the Teacher Education Advisory Committee for a three-year term (June 1998 - June 2001).

Bertha Garcia (M&D)

5. Honorary Degrees Committee


Nine members elected by Senate.

Continuing to November 1998: S. Clark (Soc.Sci.), G. Kidder (M&D), I. Moore (Engg.), E. Tustanoff (M&D)
Continuing to November 1999: R. Coulter (Educ.), R. Darnell (Soc.Sci.), L. Milligan (Sci.), A. Sancton (Soc. Sci.), A. Wylie (Arts).

One member to replace A. Wylie who has resigned (term July 1, 1998 to November, 1999)

Kathleen Okruhlik (Arts)

6. Committee on Promotion and Tenure I (Promotion Division) - SCPT-I

Dean of Graduate Studies
One student from the constituent University whose Faculty of registration is not the same as that of the student member of SCPT-II

Five tenured members of Faculty who are eligible for Senate membership, none of whom shall be below the rank of Associate Professor. No more than three shall be at the same academic rank and no more than one shall be from the same Faculty. No more than one shall be a Department Chair.

No member of SCPT-I may also be a member of SCPT-II or the Senate Committee on Appeals.

Continuing to November 1998: J. Dickinson (Student), C. Thomson (Assoc./Arts/Chair), M. Usselman (Assoc./Sci.)
Continuing to November 1999: C. Iwasiw (Assoc./H. Sci.)
Continuing to November 2000: S. Clark (Prof./Soc. Sci.), C. Crealock (Prof./Edn.)

One member of Faculty to replace S. Clark who has resigned. The nominee must be:
- tenured
- eligible for Senate membership
- hold the rank of Professor
- not from Faculties of Arts, Science, Health Science or Education
- not a Department Chair
- not a member of SCPT-II or the Senate Committee on Appeals.

C. Ross (IMS)

7. Standing Committee on Campus Recreation

Includes four members elected by Senate, at least two of whom are members of Senate at the time elected.

Continuing to November 1998: C. Bowman, J. Orphan
Continuing to November 1999: M. Cheesman (S), R. Shroyer (S)

One member of Senate to complete the term of M. Cheesman who has resigned (Terms: faculty or Staff, two years; Students, one year).

B. Timney (S)

8. Operations/Agenda Committee

Nine current members of Senate, at least one of whom shall be a student. The Vice-Chair of Senate is the Chair ex officio of this Committee.

Current Membership:
Continuing to November 1998: M. Cousineau (Student), K. Howlett (Student), M. Cheesman (HS), D. Semotiuk (HS), B. Singh (M&D.)
Continuing to November 1999: P. Deane (Arts), R. Lipson (Sci.), K. McQuillan (Soc.Sci.), C. Thomson (Arts)

One member of Senate to complete the term of M. Cheesman who has resigned (term July 1 to November 1998).

D. Jorgensen (Soc. Sci.)

9. Honorary Scrutineers

One person to serve as an Honorary Scrutineer for Senate Elections (term to September 2000).

Current Members:
Continuing to September 1998: B.D. Jameson
Continuing to September 1999: S. Farnell

B.D. Jameson


Senate By-Law VI 13.a): ... Upon the granting of the Leave of Absence, the Nominating Committee shall appoint a temporary replacement and report its actions to the Senate.

University Research Board

L. Surette (Arts) has been appointed to serve as an alternate for M. Goodale (Soc. Sci.) who has requested a leave of absence from the University Research Board (term from July 1, 1998, to June 30, 1999).