
Announcements and Communications

Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT IV - February 20, 1998



Faculty of Science
M. Owen, Associate Dean (Academic Affairs), January 1, 1998 - June 30, 2001

Faculty of Social Science
C.A. Creider, Acting Chair, Department of Anthropology, July 1, 1998 - April 30, 1999

Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Senate Committees

Senate Committee on Information Technology and Services (SCITS)
R. Wood (term to June 30, 1998). J. Good will continue as Vice-Chair for the same term.

Decanal Selection Committees

Selection Committee for a Dean of the Faculty of Arts
Elected by Senate: K. McQuillan, A. Pearson, S. Pepper
Elected by Faculty:J. Bell, C. Brown, S. Butler, A. Purdy, T. Rajan
Ex Officio:W. Bridger, G. Moran (Chair)

Selection Committee for a Dean of the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry
Elected by Senate:A. Belcastro, N. Petersen, L. Swartzman
Elected by Faculty:D. Banting, D. Grant, V. Hachinski, M. Karmazyn, R. Kline
Ex Officio:W. Bridger, G. Moran (Chair)

Selection Committee for a Dean of the Faculty of Science
Elected by Senate: J. Floryan, E. Gillese, R. King
Elected by Faculty: M.E. Fleet, D. Hunter, M-A. Lachance, T. Luke, A. Weedon
Ex Officio: W. Bridger, G. Moran (Chair)