
Report of the Nominating Committee

Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT II - January 23, 1997


1. Senate Review Board Academic

Composition: Includes a Chair and twenty-three voting members; thirteen members of faculty and ten students (six undergraduates and four graduates).

Current Members:

Continuing to November 30, 1998:

Chair: M.D. Owen (Sci.)

Undergraduates: M. Braun, P. Kucherepa, E. Mandelcorn, E. Singer, J. Vangulck, S. Werger.

Graduates: T. Clifford, L. Fishback, M. Hohner, R. Walker

Faculty: G. Dickinson (Educ.), D. Hunter (Sci.), C. Iwasiw (HS), P. Krishna (Sci.), C. Levine (Soc.Sci.), M. Speechley (M&D), J. Toswell (Arts)

Continuing to November 1999:

Faculty: M. Atkinson (Soc.Sci.), M.A. de Kergommeaux (Soc.Sci.), C. Grant (M&D), M.J. Moscovich (Arts), M. Randall (Arts), N. Skinner (King's).

Required: One person to serve as Chair to replace M. Owen who has resigned (term to November 30, 1998).

Nominee: M. Atkinson (Soc.Sci.)

Required: Two members of Faculty (terms to November 30, 1999): one to replace M.J. Moscovich who has resigned and one to replace M. Atkinson should he be elected Chair of SRBA.

Nominees: P. Barton (Law)

S. Galsworthy (M & D)

2. Senate Committee on Housing Policy

Composition: Includes six persons elected by the Senate, at least two of whom are members of Senate, including: one Dean, one member of faculty, three students, and one representative of the general community.

Current Senate-Elected Members:

Retiring April 30, 1998: M. Cousineau, A. Prabhakar, C. Vanteyar, C. Farber

Continuing to April 30, 1999: S. Bentley, R. Haines

Required: One Dean to complete the term of C. Farber who has resigned (term to April 30, 1998).

Nominee: J. Good (Arts)