
Report of the Senate Nominating Committee

Senate Agenda EXHIBIT I October 17, 1997


1. Committee on Promotion and Tenure I (Promotion Division) - SCPT-I


Dean of Graduate Studies

One student from the constituent University whose Faculty of registration is not the same as that of the student member of SCPT-II

Five tenured members of Faculty who are eligible for Senate membership, none of whom shall be below the rank of Associate Professor. No more than three shall be at the same academic rank and no more than one shall be from the same Faculty. No more than one shall be a Department Chair.

No member of SCPT-I may also be a member of SCPT-II or the Senate Committee on Appeals.

Retiring in November 1997: C. Cairns (Student), M. Sitko (Prof./Educ.), M. Troughton (Prof./Soc.Sci.)

Continuing to November 1998: C. Thomson (Assoc./Arts/Chair), M. Usselman (Assoc./Sci.)

Continuing to November 1999: C. Iwasiw (Assoc./HS)

Required: Two members of Faculty, with tenure, who are eligible for Senate membership, for three year terms, and who - hold the rank of Professor, - are not from Faculties of Arts, Health Sciences, or Science - are not a Department Chair

One student from the constituent University whose Faculty of registration is not the same as that of the student member of SCPT-II.

No member of SCPT-I may also be a member of SCPT-II or the Senate Committee on Appeals.

Nominees: _______________ (term to November 1998) (student) [Nomination to be presented at Senate] S. Clark (Prof./Soc.Sci.) (term to November 2000) C. Crealock (Prof./Educ.) (term to November 2000)

2. Committee on Promotion and Tenure II (Tenure Division) - SCPT-II


The Provost & Vice-President (Academic)

Five tenured members of Faculty who are eligible for Senate membership, none of whom shall be below the rank of Associate Professor. No more than three shall be at the same academic rank, and no more than one shall be from the same Faculty. No more than one shall be a Department Chair.

One student from the constituent University whose Faculty of registration is not the same as that of the student member of SCPT-I

No member of the SCPT-II may at the same time be a member of the SCPT-I or the Senate Committee on Appeals.

Retiring in November 1997: S. Hulan (Student), A. Oosterhoff (Prof./Law), T. Sea (Assoc./Soc.Sci./Chair)

Continuing to November 1998: P. Haase (Prof./Med. & Dent..), L. Falkenstein (Assoc./Arts)

Continuing to November 1999: K.M. Baines (Assoc./Sci.)

Required: Two members of Faculty, with tenure, who are eligible for Senate membership, for three-year terms

- neither shall be from the Faculties of Arts, Medicine & Dentistry or Science - no more than 1 at the rank of Associate Professor - neither shall be below the rank of Associate Professor - not more than 1 shall be a Department Chair

One student from the constituent University whose Faculty of registration is not the same as that of the student member of SCPT-I.

No member of SCPT-II may also be a member of SCPT-I or the Senate Committee on Appeals.

Nominees: _______________ (term to November 1998)(student) [Nomination to be presented at Senate]

J. Cook (Assoc./HS) (term to November 2000) S. Majhanovich (Prof./Educ.)(term to November 2000)

3. Senate Committee on Appeals


One Dean

One student from the constituent University

Five full-time tenured members of Faculty at the time elected, who are eligible for Senate membership. No more than one shall be an Assistant Professor, and none shall be a Vice-President, Dean, or Department Chair. At least three of these five members of Faculty shall have been members of a Faculty Committee on Promotion and Tenure or of the Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure I, or the Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure II, within five years of the date of election of the Senate Committee on Appeals [marked * on the list below].

Alternates: Alternates shall be elected for each category of member noted below, with the same restrictions. The student Alternate should be from a Faculty other than that of the Member student.

Members Retiring in November 1997: R. Nuttall (Student/Med. & Dent.), A.E. Bode* (Assoc./Sci.), S.J. Lupker* (Prof./Soc.Sci.)

Alternates Retiring in November 1997: E. Maser (Student/Soc.Sci.), G.M. Kidder* (Prof./Sci.) J. McLeod (Prof./Law)

Members Continuing to November 1998: (vacancy), D. Baer (Assoc./Soc.Sci.)

Alternates Continuing to November 1998: J. Good (Arts/Dean), C.L. Murison (Prof./Arts)

Members Continuing to November 1999: D. Allison* (Assoc./Educ.), D. Bentley (Prof./Arts)

Alternates Continuing to November 1999: H. Laschinger* ( Assoc./HS), J. Toswell (Assoc./Arts)

* indicates Member or Alternate had requisite Faculty or Senate Promotion and Tenure Committee experience at time elected.

Members Required: Two full-time members of Faculty, with tenure, who are eligible for Senate membership, to serve three-year terms (to November 2000) - both shall have been members of a Faculty Committee on Promotion and Tenure or of the Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure I, or the Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure II, within five years of the date of election of the Senate Committee on Appeals [See Appendix 1] - not more than one shall be an Assistant Professor - neither shall be a Vice-President, Dean, or Department Chair

One Dean (term to November 1998) One student from the constituent University (term to November 1998).

Nominees: _______________ (term to November 1998) (student) [Nomination to be presented at Senate]

A. Pearson (Dean/Educ.)(term to November 1998) A. Oosterhoff (Prof./Law)(term to November 2000) R. Shivers (Prof./Sci.)(term to November 2000)

Alternates Required: Two full-time members of Faculty, with tenure, who are eligible for Senate membership, to serve three-year terms (to November 2000).

- no more than one shall be an Assistant Professor - none shall be a Vice-President, Dean, or Department Chair. - both shall have been members of a Faculty Committee on Promotion and Tenure or of the Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure I, or the Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure II, within five years of the date of election of the Senate Committee on Appeals.

One student from the constituent University who is not from the same Faculty as the Member student (term to November 1998).

Nominees: _______________ (term to November 1998) (student)[Nomination to be presented at Senate] N. Huner (Prof./Sci.)(term to November 2000) M. Spence (Prof./Soc.Sci.) (term to November 2000)

4. Standing Committee on Campus Recreation

Composition: Includes four members elected by Senate, at least two of whom are members of Senate at the time elected.

Retiring in November 1997: L. Griffin, M. Kertoy (S), A. Osler (S)

Continuing to November 1998: J. Orphan

Required: Three members, two of whom are members of Senate at the time elected (terms effective November 1: Faculty or Staff, two years; Students, one year).

Nominees: M. Cheesman (S) R. Shroyer (S) C. Bowman (Student)

5. Standing Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics

Composition: Includes four members elected by Senate, at least two of whom are members of Senate at the time elected.

Retiring in November 1997: L. Griffin, T. Hessel (S), W.F. Trimble

Continuing to November 1998: D. Fairbairn (S)

Required: Three members, at least one of whom is a member of Senate (terms: Faculty or Staff, two years; students, one year).

Nominees: T. Hessel (S) J. Russel (Staff) G. Miller (Student)

6. Senate Committee on Academic Policy & Admission (SCAPA)

Composition: Includes eleven members elected by Senate, including:

- three students, at least one of whom is a graduate student and at least one of whom is a member of Senate

Continuing to December 31, 1997: E. Baron (student), S. Graham (S)(student), K. Barrowcliffe (grad. student)

Required: One graduate student to complete the term of K. Barrowcliffe who has resigned (term to December 31, 1997).

Nominee: _______________ [Nomination to be presented at Senate]

7. Selection Committee - Director of Continuing Studies

Composition: A committee to select a Director of Continuing Studies shall consist of:

(a) the Dean of the Faculty of Communications and Open Learning, who shall be Chair (b) the Provost & Vice-President (Academic) (c) 2 persons elected by the Council of the Faculty of Communications and Open Learning (d) 2 persons elected by Senate

Required: 2 persons elected by Senate

Nominees: J. Good A. Pearson

Recommended: That since Dr. G. Moran is Acting Dean of the Faculty of Communications and Open Learning and Provost & Vice-President, the Vice-Provost (Dr. R. Harris) act in place of the Provost on this selection Committee.

8. Chancellor for April 1998 Convocation Ceremonies

Recommended: That Dr. Greg Moran act as Chancellor at the Huron College Convocation and the MBA Convocation in April 1998.

From the UWO Act, sec. 37(3) and (4): "In the absence of the Chancellor... the Vice-Chancellor shall act as Chancellor at Convocation or shall appoint a member of the Faculty to act in that capacity. In the absence of both Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor ... the Chancellor's duties shall be performed by a member of the Faculty appointed by the Senate for that purpose."

Huron College's theological convocation will be held on Thursday evening, April 23, 1998, and the MBA convocation will take place on Saturday, April 25*. Neither Chancellor Peter Godsoe nor Vice-Chancellor Paul Davenport will be available to preside over those ceremonies.

*(This date may have to be changed to Monday, April 27, because of unavailability of the London Convention Centre where the MBA convocations are usually held.)