
Board of Governors - APPENDIX V - March 30, 2000


1. Selection Committee for Associate Vice-President (Research)

Subject to approval by the Board of Governors (see March 30 report from Senate) Section R of Appointments Procedures provides the following composition for a Selection Committee for Vice-President (Research)"

(a) the Vice-President (Research), who shall be Chair
(b) 4 persons elected by Senate, one of whom will be a graduate student
(c) 2 persons elected by the Board of Governors

Nominees: 2 nominations will be presented at the Board Meeting. At the time the Board agenda was mailed, the willingness of the nominees to serve was yet to be confirmed.

For Information:

Position Description
Associate Vice-President (Research)

The Associate Vice-President (Research) (AVPR) has primary responsibility for the fostering, coordination and oversight of institutional proposals for support from large, collaborative infrastructure programs which often involve a multiplicity of partners and sponsors. These include proposals developed for the Canada Foundation for Innovation, the Ontario R&D Challenge Fund, the Premier's Research Excellence Awards and similar programs, and successors to these programs.

The AVPR contributes to the development and articulation of institutional research policy, and to the institution's contributions toward provincial and national research policy.

The AVPR serves as the delegate of the Vice-President (Research) in assuming responsibility for designated areas of authority within the portfolio, and for other tasks as assigned by the Vice-President (Research).

2. Campus & Community Affairs Committee

Recommended: That Mark Weyers be appointed to the Campus & Community Affairs Committee, for a term ending February 1, 2001.

Mr. Weyers' name was inadvertently omitted from the listing of new committee members approved on February 3, 2000.

3. Revised Meeting Dates for CCAC - 2000

Recommended: That the following meeting dates in 2000 be changed as indicated:

It is desirable to change these dates to maximize attendance of the members, and in particular the Vice-Chair of CCAC whose schedule conflicted with a number of the pre-established meeting dates.

At the Board meeting on February 3, the proposed CCAC schedule for the year 2001 was withdrawn pending reconsideration. It has now been determined that the dates for 2001 will not be submitted for approval by the Board of Governors until November 2000, following consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of CCAC.

4. Revised Meeting Dates for Senior Operations and Property & Finance

Recommended: That the meetings of the Senior Operations Committee and the Property & Finance Committee previously scheduled for Monday, June 19, be rescheduled for Monday, June 12.


Appointments to Other than Board Standing Committees

Senate: Carol McAulay-Weldon

Senate Committee on University Planning: Wally Gibson and Bill Peel

Southwest Middlesex Health Centre: Dr. Thomas Freeman (Acting Chair, Department of Family Medicine); and Alternate Dr. Stanley Kogon (Director, School of Dentistry)

Josephine Spencer Niblett Endowment Fund: Jan Van Fleet