
Items Referred by Senate

Board of Governors - APPENDIX VI - May 21, 1998


1. Combined Honors Program in Media, Information and Technology

The Faculty of Information and Media Studies will introduce combined honors programs with the following departments or programs: Anthropology, Comparative Literature and Civilization, Economics, English, Film, French, History, German, International and Comparative Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Russian, Sociology, Spanish, Visual Arts, and Women's Studies, effective May 1, 1998.

2. Bachelor of Arts in Honors Media, Information and Technology

A Bachelor of Arts in Honors Media, Information and Technoculture will be introduced in the Faculty of Information and Media Studies.

3. Report of the Academic Colleague

The Report of the Academic Colleague on the 240th Meeting of the Council of Ontario Universities is provided in Annex 1.

4. Appointments

Faculty of Science
L. Mansinha, Acting Chair, Department of Earth Sciences, July 1, 1998 - June 30, 1999

Intercollegiate Athletics
D. Semotiuk, Chair, Intercollegiate Athletics, July 1, 1998 - June 30, 2001