Kristina Sendova
Associate Professor
Office: WSC 266
Phone: 519-661-2111 x88232
Ph.D. University of Waterloo, 2004
Research Areas
- Ruin Theory
- Risk Theory
- Ruin theory applications in financial modeling
Post-doctoral Supervision
- Yang Miao
Graduate Students Supervision
- Sherly Alfonso Sanchez (PhD)
- Diba Daraei (PhD)
- Amir Hossein (PhD)
- Vaneh Azarian (PhD)
- Xinghan Zhu (PhD)
- Bernard Emmanuel Bartels (MSc)
- Parinaz Zarei (MSc)
Research Funding Source(s)
- Alliance Grant
- NSERC Discovery Grant
Miao, Y.*, Sendova, K.P., Jones, B.L., Li, Z. (2023). Some observations on the temporal patterns in the surplus process of an insurer, British Actuarial Journal, 28(4), 1-19.
Miao, Y.*, Sendova, K.P., Jones, B.L. (2023). On a risk model with dual seasonalities, North American Actuarial Journal, 27(1), 166-184.
Gao, D.*, Sendova, K.P. (2023). Applications of the classical compound Poisson model with claim sizes following a compound distribution, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 37(2), 357-386.
Sendova, K.P., Zhang, R.* (2020). Maximum surplus and Rn class of distributions with an application to dividends, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 369, 276-297.
Sendova, K.P., Minkova, L.D. (2020). Introducing the non-homogeneous compoundbirth process, Stochastics, 92(5), 814-832.
Li, Y.*, Sendova, K.P. (2020). A surplus process involving a compound Poisson counting process and applications, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 49( 13), 3238-3256.
Yang, C.*, Sendova, K.P., Li, Z.* (2020). Parisian ruin with a threshold dividend strategy under the dual Levy risk model, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 90, 135-150.
Li, S., Lu, Y., Sendova, K.P. (2019). The expected discounted penalty function: from infinite time to finite time, Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 2019(4), 336-354.
Sendova, K.P., Minkova, L.D. (2018). Poisson-logarithmic risk process and applications, Proceedings of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 71(8), 1020-1028.
Sendova, K.P., Yang, C.*, Zhang, R.* (2018). Dividend barrier strategy: Proceed with caution, Statistics and Probability Letters, 137, 157-164.
Yang, C.*, Sendova, K.P., Li, Z.2* (2017). On the Parisian ruin of the dual Levy risk model, Journal of Applied Probability, 54(4), 1193-1212.
Li, Z.*, Sendova, K.P., Yang, C.* (2017). On a perturbed dual risk model with dependence between inter-gain times and gain sizes, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 46(21), 10507-10517.
Li, Z.* and Sendova, K. P. (2015). On a ruin model with both interclaim times and premiums depending on claim sizes. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 3 245-265.
Yang, C.* and Sendova, K. P. (2014). The ruin time under the Sparre-Andersen dual model. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics , 54 28-40.
Yang, C.* and Sendova, K. P. (2014). The discounted moments of the surplus after the last innovation before ruin under the dual risk model. Stochastic Models, 30(1) 99-124.
Li, S. and Sendova, K. P. (2013). The finite-time ruin probability under the compound binomial risk model. European Actuarial Journal, 3(1) 249-271.