ࡱ> 463  bjbjVV 4<< 06888888$ F\\q 66.!g "0    \\  : Informing your department of your Pregnancy/Parental/Adoption Leave As early as possible, please inform your supervisor/budget head/Dean that you are planning to take a leave. Also inform your departments Administrative Officer. The template below will assist you in providing the information they will need to know to plan for your leave. You may use the wording below or make any changes to suit the message you wish to provide. Template letter of notice Dear I am writing to let you know that I intend to take a (pregnancy and/or parental) leave of absence from my job. The babys (due date/adoption date) is: (date). My last day worked will be: My first day back on payroll is: Optional: In addition to the leave, I will use (all of my/some of my) accrued vacation time at the end of my leave. This means I would return to work (when). Sincerely, Name Title Department DEHMYZY a i p y  o p z  )h EZ<CJOJPJQJ^JaJnH tH h$ah hA:h/h_S5>*h/hh EZh_Sh_Sh_SCJaJ$DEX Y H I y z Y Z e f k q | } $a$gd_S} ~  21h:p{// =!"#$% j 666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ OJPJQJ_HmH nH sH tH @`@ {/NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRiR 0 Table Normal4 l4a (k ( 0No List PK![Content_Types].xmlj0Eжr(΢Iw},-j4 wP-t#bΙ{UTU^hd}㨫)*1P' ^W0)T9<l#$yi};~@(Hu* Dנz/0ǰ $ X3aZ,D0j~3߶b~i>3\`?/[G\!-Rk.sԻ..a濭?PK!֧6 _rels/.relsj0 }Q%v/C/}(h"O = C?hv=Ʌ%[xp{۵_Pѣ<1H0ORBdJE4b$q_6LR7`0̞O,En7Lib/SeеPK!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xml M @}w7c(EbˮCAǠҟ7՛K Y, e.|,H,lxɴIsQ}#Ր ֵ+!,^$j=GW)E+& 8PK!Ptheme/theme/theme1.xmlYOo6w toc'vuر-MniP@I}úama[إ4:lЯGRX^6؊>$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! I_TS 1?E??ZBΪmU/?~xY'y5g&΋/ɋ>GMGeD3Vq%'#q$8K)fw9:ĵ x}rxwr:\TZaG*y8IjbRc|XŻǿI u3KGnD1NIBs RuK>V.EL+M2#'fi ~V vl{u8zH *:(W☕ ~JTe\O*tHGHY}KNP*ݾ˦TѼ9/#A7qZ$*c?qUnwN%Oi4 =3ڗP 1Pm \\9Mؓ2aD];Yt\[x]}Wr|]g- eW )6-rCSj id DЇAΜIqbJ#x꺃 6k#ASh&ʌt(Q%p%m&]caSl=X\P1Mh9MVdDAaVB[݈fJíP|8 քAV^f Hn- "d>znNJ ة>b&2vKyϼD:,AGm\nziÙ.uχYC6OMf3or$5NHT[XF64T,ќM0E)`#5XY`פ;%1U٥m;R>QD DcpU'&LE/pm%]8firS4d 7y\`JnίI R3U~7+׸#m qBiDi*L69mY&iHE=(K&N!V.KeLDĕ{D vEꦚdeNƟe(MN9ߜR6&3(a/DUz<{ˊYȳV)9Z[4^n5!J?Q3eBoCM m<.vpIYfZY_p[=al-Y}Nc͙ŋ4vfavl'SA8|*u{-ߟ0%M07%<ҍPK! ѐ'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsM 0wooӺ&݈Э5 6?$Q ,.aic21h:qm@RN;d`o7gK(M&$R(.1r'JЊT8V"AȻHu}|$b{P8g/]QAsم(#L[PK-![Content_Types].xmlPK-!֧6 +_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!Ptheme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! ѐ' theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK]   } L# AA@0(  B S  ?i -eT_Q6DLU _.yR T @  / MA m > D} ip]"k1Lm1Y7{.}n2 qWRRe;5QaGo n^1w }63ns+ - !;!*"6"w";$h%r%=&'Y'y'(,O(o))5)R)f,8 -F-q^-w-e./Q@/`/{/B0n0o0u0?1`1t1B{1}(2dM2B34?4do56_r6C7Q7"8 9~1:A:Na:<+2<K<~<:=">#>H>]?^?a?L@-GAGWBr"C,CsCDD 5Dk?D5FDnDEIwEsFG+GJGuGH_:H`\HIIJI=MITL.L%NNNRRRTR_SSUqU`.V?Vv'XPXYZXmX Y NY("Z/ZlBZ EZ[9\]p]{]NY^r^_0_|`$al/aAcJcKecPkcbd dhd1Bee~3fg4g 8hiIi_ikpWkXkkYkXl4l8 m+mcn9nGn o<ooqr4r5r_rgr stKt\ueu#w+6wtw7y?ygEy zz{z.{.:{ |v|.}43?vK>M9>=KdCRdh2u=VB|,9PGV8 ]D~)&Pb r?bQVn4H|dFF[gl e8p'+C03W2tmML h{U%!:C{b]h@jO?Vh\4o{p-2J6-snwc? D >j `Q26zi1EcflDXI.gkLz+3$VQE A)qlXAk.X@8N`@UnknownG*Ax Times New Roman5Symbol3. *Cx Arial7.@ CalibriACambria Math"hff$r02HX  $P EZ2!xxahutch2phawke2Oh+'0 px   ahutch2 Normal.dotmphawke22Microsoft Office Word@F#@4g@4g՜.+,0 hp   Microsoft  Title  !"$%&'()*,-./0125Root Entry F_/g7Data  1Table WordDocument4SummaryInformation(#DocumentSummaryInformation8+CompObjy  F'Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q