
Current Workshops

Mind the Gap

Mind The Gap is a training focused on the skills needed to foster meaningful engagement in interactions where there is a differential (“gap”) in power and identity. Participants will learn three concepts—inoculation, critical empathy, and compassionate accountability—and have opportunities to translate these into interpersonal skills that can be applied in their individual roles as current or future leaders.


  • Develop self-awareness of one’s social location
  • Deepen one’s understanding of empathy with a focus on both connection and differentiation
  • Demonstrate curiosity as critical empathy practice
  • Identify opportunities for engaging in critical empathy and compassionate accountability in one’s personal and professional circles

Email Christian Ylagan to join this workshop.

Decades in Dialogue

This workshop will focus on the ways that ageism that shows up in various contexts as “one of the last socially acceptable prejudices” that reinforces other forms of oppression. Participants will learn about strategies to engage in cross-generational collaboration against ageism.


  • Learn about the ways that ageism manifests in various contexts like the workplace or classroom
  • Reframe generational stereotypes into strengths that can be harnessed for collaboration
  • Practice strategies for improving age-related inclusivity in one’s personal and professional circles

Email Christian Ylagan to join this workshop.

Upcoming Workshops

Digital Defense

This workshop will provide strategies for navigating the increasingly complex world of online violence , which is often tied to toxic practices by technocultures embedded in social media, virtual communities, and digital networks. This workshop will touch on repurposing lessons from bystander intervention specifically for online spaces where ideas of freedom of expression are highly contested.


  • DeReflect on the concept of "freedom of speech" as it is applied to online spaces
  • Identify what constitutes "hate speech" or violations of freedom of speech
  • Learn strategies for engagement with online violence in productive ways or ways that protect one's well-being 

Email Christian Ylagan for more details on this workshop. 

Collectivist Values for Individualistic Contexts

This workshop will explore how values from collectivist cultures can provide valuable lessons for enhancing individualistic contexts. Practices like “Kapwa” psychology and “bayanihan” from the Philippines, which emphasize community-orientedness and mutual support, can be used as models for identifying collectivist principles that can complement individualistic approaches, fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment without positioning one culture as superior to the other.


  • Identify advantages, disadvantages, and gaps between collectivist and individualistic values
  • Identify various models of collectivist virtue ethics that can be used as models for individualistic contexts
  • Develop strategies to integrate collectivist values into individualistic environments, specifically in one’s specific workplace or learning space

Email Christian Ylagan for more details on this workshop. 

Conflict vs Harassment

This workshop will focus on developing strategies for distinguishing conflict from harassment, especially in interpersonal contexts where power differentials and institutional parameters are in play. With a view towards fostering inclusivity and identifying when situations escalate to potential human rights issues, this workshop will help participants develop tools to advocate for themselves and for others.


  • Identify key features of conflict and harassment, with the aim of distinguishing between the two
  • Develop an understanding of the parameters of conflict and when it becomes harassment
  • Apply communication strategies and knowledge of power to help navigate interpersonal conflict
  • Develop knowledge of reporting processes and campus supports in instances of harassment

Email Christian Ylagan for more details on this workshop. 

The Art of the Question

This workshop aims to develop skills in the art of “the question” as a way to put curiosity in real-world practice. Curiosity is an integral part of fostering empathy especially in diverse contexts, where differences can only be bridged by foregrounding cultural humility.


  • Practice crafting and utilizing effective questions to foster curiosity
  • Implement strategies that foreground cultural humility to bridged differences through curiosity and empathetic engagement
  • Enhance empathy by applying curiosity-driven questioning techniques in diverse cultural contexts

Email Christian Ylagan for more details on this workshop.