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Deadline: November 15th, February 15th and July 15th Instructions: 1) Print completed application. 2) Submit the original hard copy to the Graduate Assistant. 3) Email electronic copy to: Graduate Chair Department Chair Graduate Assistant graduate student profile: Name: E-mail: Telephone: Department and Program: Summary: Use of Funds: Research expenses  FORMCHECKBOX  Research Travel  FORMCHECKBOX  Amount Requested: Justification for Application to this Competition Provide a specific justification why support is being requested from this funding source, i.e. why other funds, currently held or potentially available, cannot be used. Research Project Information: Project Title: Keywords (max 6): Description of the Project A brief statement of the objectives, method of investigation, and potential results should be included (two page limit).  Assurances & Approvals All research proposals involving human or animal subjects or biohazardous materials must be approved by a UWO ethics, animal-care, or biohazards review committee. Indicate, with an X on the chart below in the column to the right of the required information, the current status of the approvals required for this proposal. If approval has already been granted, an electronic copy of the approval notice must accompany this application. STATUSHUMAN SUBJECTS ETHICS APPROVALNo human subjects Approval grantedPending To be soughtAuthorization #: ANIMAL SUBJECTS APPROVALNo animal subjectsApproval grantedPendingTo be soughtAuthorization #: BIOHAZARDOUS MATERIALS CLEARANCENo biohazardous materialsApproval grantedPendingTo be soughtAuthorization #:  Departmental Approvals All funding applications for research or conference travel must be approved by the students mentor and supervisor (for MA thesis and PhD students). Conference presentations must be given before an audience in the Department before funding applications receive final approval. Mentors evaluation of proposal: FORMCHECKBOX  Excellent  FORMCHECKBOX  Good  FORMCHECKBOX  Poor Mentors SignatureSupervisors evaluation of proposal: FORMCHECKBOX  Excellent  FORMCHECKBOX  Good  FORMCHECKBOX  Poor Supervisors SignaturePractice talk in Department scheduled:Yes / No / NA Date of Practice Talk Conference Travel Information (if applicable): Conference InformationName of Conference:Nature of Conference: (National, International, Other (please explain) Precise Dates of Conference (From To):Sponsoring Organization:Location of Conference (City and Country):Frequency of Conference:Role to be played by applicant: (Place an X in the box to the left of your selection)Present paper (required condition) Act as formal discussantPreside over sessionOther (please describe)PaperHas the paper been officially accepted at time of application to this competition?(Place an X in front of selection)YesNoAttach documentation confirming the papers acceptance (please scan if electronic copy unavailable and insert at the back of this document). An award will be encumbered until this documentation is received by the Department of Classical Studies.Title of Paper:Keywords (max 6): BUDGET and JUSTIFICATION: Double click on spreadsheet to activate MS Excel and fill in your budget amounts. Click outside the spreadsheet when complete and resave the document. Please fill in greyed sections only. Scroll back to top of budget sheet prior to exiting. Please provide QUOTES at the back of the application for transportation costs and equipment.  EMBED Excel.Sheet.8  Budget Justification An adequate budget justification is required. To avoid arbitrary decisions on the appropriate level of funding, detailed explanations of costs must be provided. Applicants are required to provide written quotes for air and train fares (please scan if electronic copy is unavailable and insert at the back of this document and/or save as PDF and include in email submission). Signatures and Comments: Applicants Signature I, the undersigned, verify that the information supplied on this form is correct.  Signature of Applicant Date Graduate Chairs Signature DEPARTMENT GRADUATE CHAIRS BRIEF EVALUATION OF THIS APPLICATION:  Signature, Department Graduate Chair Date     "MNOP[dew 6 7 8 > ? ѹѹѹޱަޒ~v~vjvfhh|*h|*CJH*aJh|*CJaJhhCJH*aJhCJaJhhCJhYKhCJaJh8!hCJaJhCJaJhCJ^JaJhWUUhCJ\^JaJhYKhCJ^JaJhh+9h5:B*CJ phh5:B*CJ ph#"NOP7 8 9 V e v  gd & FgdZIgd$a$gd$((-D M a$gd   ! % . 7 9 : V d e u v ǴǡǴ{hRR<8h+hDch5B*CJOJQJaJhph+hZIhZI5B*CJOJQJaJhph$h'b5B*CJ\^JaJhph$ht-U5B*CJ\^JaJhph$hZI5B*CJ\^JaJhph$h/N5B*CJ\^JaJhph$h5B*CJ\^JaJhph*hDch5B*CJ\^JaJhphhDchCJaJhAhCJaJhAh5CJaJ    . / = > ? @ A B C U W X Y Z 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > @ ȾȱȾȤȚȃsh8!h5:B*CJ ph h5CJjhCJUmHnHuh^h5CJjthCJUjhCJUjhCJU hCJ h5^Jh5B*CJph3f h5CJh5:B*CJ phh hDch, @ A B X Y Z 5 xx$Ifgd T @xgd 4<<gd  <<gdgd((-D M gd5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > @ _ ` r u xgd ((-D M gdgdekd$$Ifl$& t0644 lal @ _ ` n q r  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?V     2?DEFWX`콮h5:B*CJphh5>*B*CJaJphh5B*CJaJphh5:CJaJhCJaJ h5h5CJaJhh5:B*CJ aJ ph?r  !"#$dgkd\$$Ifl$& t0644 lal xx$Ifgd<<gd &dPgdgd xgd $%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?<<gdV   u$xx$Ifa$gdgdgkd$$IflR&R& t0R&644 lal <x$Ifgd2DEFWX`abop{{{k{k{{k{k$xx$Ifa$gd xx$IfgdwkdN$$Ifl,%$  t 0$644 lap `abopqrst78IJRS`abcdeuvwxyz{|}(?Ķjh[~h^CJUh[~hZI5^JhAhZIhZIh5:CJaJhZIhZI5:CJaJ h5^JhB*CJaJph3f h5hApqrst$xx$Ifa$gd xx$IfgdFf  kd$$Ifl4Aִ,q8,0 a#%     N 1 j t0$6    44 laf4Ff@ $xx$Ifa$gd xx$Ifgd kdH $$Ifl4ִ,q8,0 a#%     N 1 j t0$6    44 laf478IJRS`abcdevwxyz{Ffl$xx$Ifa$gd xx$Ifgd{| kdt$$Ifl4ִ,q8,0 a#%     N 1 j t0$6    44 laf4|}($$&d IfP a$gd[~ $Ifgd^ $$Ifa$gd[~*<x$d%d&d'dNOPQgd^<<gdZIgd   '()NO]^_jkyz{Ȼѫѻћёoѻ_ѻjh[~hACJUj|h[~hACJUh[~hZI^Jh[~hA^Jh[~hA5^JjFh[~hACJUjh[~hACJUjh[~hACJUh[~hZICJh[~hACJjh[~h^CJUjjh[~h^CJUh[~h^CJ!()Nj^RIII $Ifgd^ $$Ifa$gd[~kd$$IflF,$" t06    44 lapyt[~45?LMabcy 9:;<=]ghϿh5>*B*CJphh5B*CJphh h5CJ hCJh5:B*CJ ph h^5^J h5^Jh[~hA^Jh[~hA5^Jh[~hACJjh[~hACJUjdh[~hACJU2=4 $Ifgd^kd$$IflF,$" t06    44 lapyt[~ $$Ifa$gd[~$$&d IfP a$gd[~=888gdkd$$IflF,$" t06    44 lapyt[~ $$Ifa$gd[~$$&d IfP a$gd[~45LMXwkd\$$Ifl&&  t 0&644 lalp $IfXD<YD<gd<<gd((-D M gdgdMabcy_zkd$$Ifl0& t0&644 lal$IfXD<YD<gd$$IfXD<YD<a$gdp_$IfXD<YD<gd$$IfXD<YD<a$gdzkd{$$Ifl0& t0&644 lalp_$IfXD<YD<gd$$IfXD<YD<a$gdzkd$$Ifl0& t0&644 lalp_$IfXD<YD<gd$$IfXD<YD<a$gdzkd$$Ifl0& t0&644 lal 9:p_$IfXD<YD<gd$$IfXD<YD<a$gdzkd$$Ifl0& t0&644 lal:;<s$IfXD<YD<gdzkd$$Ifl0& t0&644 lal<=]tV<$ $IfXD<YD<a$gd$ 4 0$IfXD<YD<a$gd$$IfXD<YD<a$gdwkd$$Ifl&&  t 0&644 lalp  ?cmnBah#?!ҾҜh5B*phh5:B*CJ ph h5^JhB*ph hCJh^B*CJphh2B*CJphhB*CJphh5>*B*CJphh5B*CJph h5CJh5UA'$ $IfXD<YD<a$gd$$IfXD<YD<a$gdkd$$Ifl4F&` t0&6    44 lalf4 $IfXD<YD<gdUA'$ $IfXD<YD<a$gd$$IfXD<YD<a$gdkdh$$Ifl4F&  t0&6    44 lalf4 $IfXD<YD<gdUA'$ $IfXD<YD<a$gd$$IfXD<YD<a$gdkd $$Ifl4F&  t0&6    44 lalf4 $IfXD<YD<gd UD$IfXD<YD<gdkd $$Ifl4F&  t0&6    44 lalf4 $IfXD<YD<gdctW 4 0D$IfXD<YD<gd$$IfXD<YD<a$gdwkd~!$$Ifl&&  t 0&644 lalp nN1N 4 0D$IfXD<YD<gd$ 4 0D$IfXD<YD<a$gd$IfXD<YD<gdkd"$$Ifl40&` t0&644 lalf4)kd"$$Ifl4r$&   t0&644 lalf4 4 0D$IfXD<YD<gdzf] $Ifgd$$IfXD<YD<a$gdgkdl#$$Ifl&& t0&644 lal 4 0D$IfXD<YD<gd^p_$IfXD<YD<gd$$IfXD<YD<a$gdzkd#$$Ifl0& t0&644 lal#!"=ve((-D M gd<<gdgdzkdl$$$Ifl0& t0&644 lal !"#9:;<=R>? 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